
Showing posts from January, 2025

Week One

  The Elements of Interior Design This week in class we started learning about the Elements of Interior Design. There are 8 total elements: Point, Line, Shape, Form, Light, Color, Texture, and Pattern. We discussed the first four. Point is the most basic element. It is a stable point within a visual field and organizes the elements around it. It is often a focal point. A focal point is the place that people look at first. It is not always in the direct center and can cause tension when it is offset. A fireplace is a common built-in focal point. A line has many types each portraying a different feeling. Horizontal lines provide more restful and peaceful feelings whereas vertical lines give a more strong and powerful feeling. Diagonal lines often feel more unbalanced and energetic whereas curved lines feel more gentle and graceful.  Planes are seen more as the borders of the space being designed. The wall-places, ceiling-plane, and floor-plane. These planes create space or vol...