Week Four
This week we continued learning about color, paint, and pigments. We had a guest presenter who works for Sherman Williams. She went over color theory and color vocabulary with us as well as going into more detail about paint. She talked about how different colors affect our moods. She also discussed how the type of paint used in different rooms is important. Some paints have different ingredients which make them more water-resistant or scratch-resistant. You want more durable paint in rooms that get more use and wear and tear. We also learned that the finish of the paint is important. Some paints are more glossy or shiny which can cause the color to appear different to the eye. Warm Colored Interior Cool Colored Interior Sketching Interiors In Chapter 4 of Sketching Interiors, we learned the third perceptual skill of sketching which is the perception of light and shadow. This skill uses shading to create a sense of three-dimensional form and distance. Value means darkness and...